Dr. Winsten’s Tips To Stop Worrying

Anxiety, Depression

Tips to Stop Worrying

Everyone worries about something at some point. However, there are people who are more prone to worry than others. If you constantly fret about everything, from how others perceive you at work to your health, you may have more of a problem than you realize. Fortunately, there are ways to stop worrying.

Did you know that excessive worrying can negatively affect your daily life? It can even get in the way of your productivity. This is why you need to invest time into finding out how you can worry less.

Worrying and its Impact on Your Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Excessive worrying affects more than just your daily routine. It also affects your mental and physical well-being in several ways. This is a habit that can be very difficult to control. Over time, it will hinder you from enjoying your life. Whenever you become worried about something, it can be very difficult to relax and figure out what’s happening around you.

Studies show that excessive worrying can also get in the way of good quality sleep. This will definitely intensify the negative effects. As you might imagine, when you start getting less sleep, your physical health will decline. Worrying has been linked to symptoms of anxiety that include indigestion and nausea.

It can also weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to infections. Additionally, there’s lots of evidence that worrying can increase the risk of heart disease. This is why you need to learn how to deal with your worries.

Identify the Common Things that Trigger Worrying

One of the first steps to take when trying to deal with your worries is to discover what fuels them. Worrying is generally part of how human beings have evolved. The human nervous response to fear and stress by worrying.

Some degree of worry is healthy. It pushes you to find solutions to your problems. The problem starts when things get out of control, and you find yourself worrying all the time. Fortunately, Dr. Lynn Winsten Berkeley, CA can help you figure out what’s triggering your worries. Here are some common things to consider.

Career Related Stress

There are so many things linked to your job that can cause excessive worrying. For instance, you may be failing to meet a deadline or failing to cope with some changes at work. You may also be dealing with a difficult boss, or maybe there’s a bully at work. All these things can put you in a difficult position, especially if you can’t figure out a solution or you don’t see a way out.

Financial Troubles

This is the main source of worry for many people. It can be hard to keep up with debts, bills, and other financial burdens in some instances. To make matters worse, being constantly stressed about finances can make it even more difficult to manage your money, which, as you might imagine, will exacerbate things, causing you to worry even more.

Health Issues

Searching your symptoms on the internet can trigger lots of troublesome thoughts. You may look up some of the things happening in your body and end up thinking you are coming down with something. In some instances, worries can be triggered by a difficult health diagnosis.

Social Pressures

Most extroverted people look forward to gatherings, parties, and other social events. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same. Some people find them quite stressful. If you are one of those people who find it a bit difficult to be around lots of people, you can end up worrying a lot whenever you are invited somewhere, or you have to be in public. The trick to dealing with such worries is to find coping mechanisms that make it easier to socialize.

Addressing a Large Crowd

Speaking in front of many people can be intimidating for some people in one way or the other. It’s normal for everyone to feel a bit nervous when addressing a large group. However, some people are more prone to these fears than others.

Other situations that can trigger worrying include interviews and work presentations. Did you know that you can reduce the fear of public speaking by practicing in front of your friends and family? This can be a great confidence booster.

Friendships and Love Relationships

This is another common trigger for worrying. Conflict in a relationship can be a major source of worry. This is why you need to invest some time into learning some conflict resolution skills. This can help you work through difficult situations and feelings to build even stronger relationships.

Effective Tips to Help You Stop Worrying

There are many easy-to-implement solutions recommended by professionals like Dr. Lynn Winsten Berkeley, CA that can help you manage your worries. Here are some things you can start doing today:

Spare Some Time to Rest

If you find yourself in a tight spot, one of the best things you can do is stop stressing and step away. This will give you a chance to calm down. Experts recommend closing your eyes and counting to ten. When you settle and try to look at the situation again, you’ll have a clearer head.


This may sound too simple, but it’s actually quite effective. Taking slow, deep breaths can help you slow down your heart rate. This will allow more oxygen into your bloodstream. If you do that while you are anxious about something, you’ll see the anxiety starting to go away. Taking deep breaths can also shift your mind away from your worries for some time.

One of the most well-known breathing techniques is the 4-7-8. Fortunately, it’s quite simple. All you need to do is breathe in slowly and count to four. Then, hold your breath and count to seven. After that, exhale. By the time you repeat this ten times, you’ll be feeling a lot better.

Encourage Positive Thoughts

Negative thoughts can make situations seem way worse than they are. This is why you mustn’t entertain them. Whenever a negative thought pops into your head, try to do away with it as soon as possible by countering it with something positive. You may be surprised at how much the power of positivity will transform your life.

Research indicates that fostering positive thoughts can be a great shield against fear and worry. For instance, if the thought of presenting in front of people scares you, think about how much you have prepared.

Jot Down Some Daily Affirmations

Another great way to limit negative thoughts is to have positive affirmations. Each morning before leaving your house, look at yourself in the mirror and recite some positive statements. Affirmations are a great way to boost thought awareness. They also enable you to change your negative thoughts into positive ones.


Exercise is a great way to get your mind away from things. Apart from that, it also has some therapeutic effects. Did you know that exercise triggers the release of endorphins? These are chemicals that trigger feelings of happiness and positivity.

Find a Professional Counselor or Talk to Your Doctor

Do you feel like anxiety, fear, and constant worry are taking over your life? If all other methods fail, the best thing you can do is to sit with a professional like Dr. Lynn Winsten Berkeley, CA. These professionals are trained to deal with worry. They can help you figure out ways to stop worrying. Therapists with many years of experience know hundreds of effective coping strategies and mechanisms.