Therapy That Changes Lives: The Power of Psychotherapy for Positive Life Choices

Therapy, Psychologist

Do you ever feel like your life is just a series of decisions, and for some reason, you can’t seem to make the right ones? Do you think that your choices often lead you to a place that leaves you with a less-than-positive attitude?

Each day, you can find yourself making poor choices that have negative consequences for both you and the people around you. Many fear that they will be forever locked in an endless cycle of bad decisions that dig a hole too deep to rise out from.

The good news is that there is hope for overcoming this sense of hopelessness, and it all begins with some time with a trusted, skilled therapist. This blog post will explore how therapy can help individuals make better life choices by giving insights into what led to their current situation and finding new solutions.

Therapy can be a powerful tool to help you make better, more positive life choices. Read on to learn how therapy from a Berkeley psychologist can help you overcome negative decision-making in your daily life.

What Does A Berkeley Psychologist Offer?

Before we get into how a psychologist can help you unlock the ability to make better decisions, it may be necessary to understand what exactly a therapist offers to individuals.
Many believe that therapy is only for individuals suffering from deep-seated issues that prevent them from living a thriving, fruitful life. While a psychologist Berkeley can indeed help a client suffering from depression, anxiety, or a host of other mental illnesses, therapists are trained in helping individuals from all walks of life discover how to live a more productive and effective life.

How can a therapist help you overcome everyday obstacles? It all begins with the ability to sit down and have a conversation. A psychologist Berkeley can offer you a safe space for exploring your thoughts and feelings about what has led you to a particular decision or crossroad in your life that is producing adverse outcomes. Your therapist will listen without judgment, providing an objective viewpoint that is not influenced by other relationships in your life or preconceived ideas of how they think things should be.

A therapist helps individuals distinguish which parts of their lives are within their control versus those that might require the help of outside assistance. They can also help identify any underlying patterns that could contribute to harmful decisions. Most importantly, therapy offers hope, support, insights from skilled professionals who have years of experience helping others overcome similar situations – while giving skills-building tools to help change negative behaviors into positive ones.

When Should I See A Therapist?

When it comes to seeking out therapy or counseling, too many individuals wait until things get “really bad” before finding help. Believing that you can cope with life on your own – even when it’s simply facing difficult decisions – can cause you to make choices that lead to negative outcomes quickly.

Remember, it is never too early to see a therapist if you feel overwhelmed by life events like divorce, the death of a loved one, or job loss. It may also help those who think they cannot cope alone due to previous trauma in their lives.

While it is always the right time to speak with a skilled psychologist Berkeley, there are a number of moments when it might be beneficial to seek professional help:

  • When you feel stuck in your life or unfulfilled with the direction that things have gone.
  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed by everyday stresses and unable to cope effectively on your own.
  • If you’re struggling with mental health issues such as depression, addiction, and anxiety disorders that interfere with day-to-day living.
  • When you find yourself dealing with situations that seem to constantly go the wrong way for you or those you love.

How Therapy Can Help You Make Positive Decisions

I often receive a similar question from clients: “How can therapy help me make better decisions?”

When it comes to working with a licensed therapist, the outcome should never be to only overcome a particular mental health issue or problem. A therapist will also help you dig down deeper into those inner issues that often prevent you from making decisions that can lead to better outcomes in your daily life. Let’s take a look at a few ways that therapy can actually boost your ability to make better, more positive life decisions:

a woman thinking about seeing a therapist in San Luis Obispo

Someone To Talk To When Life Gets Tough

A therapist or psychologist can be a supportive, non-judgmental sounding board when you’re dealing with life decisions and are not sure which way to turn. This is especially helpful if there’s conflict in your family or another area of your life, making it difficult for you to get the perspective that someone who cares about you would typically give.

An Individual Who Can Give Honest Feedback

Your licensed therapist or psychologist can help you get to the root of what’s driving your everyday decisions. They can then provide honest, effective feedback about whether your choices can lead to positive decisions.

Why is this so effective? Remember, your psychologist Berkeley will always offer honest and positive feedback to help you overcome your issues. When you work with a therapist, they are not trying to sell you a product or service, nor are they choosing to work with you so that they can benefit financially from your decisions.

A Therapist Who Will Give You Perspective On Your Past

Licensed therapists or psychologists can help you gain a different perspective on your past decisions and help you see how they may have led to your current situation.
For example, if you find that you are constantly making choices that feel good at the moment but have negative outcomes, your therapist will be able to offer advice about how you can avoid those same mistakes and potentially take actions that lead to more positive, life-changing decisions.

A Therapist Who Can Offer Effective Solutions To Your Problems

Most of all, your therapist can help you come up with effective, proven methods and strategies to help fix the problems that led you to seek therapy in the first place.
As a trained and licensed psychologist, your therapist has the education and experience necessary to help you discover and implement strategies that will help you overcome your poor decision-making tendencies. Best of all, they will journey with you through the process to ensure that you continue making those positive decisions and bounce back from any unexpected mistakes.

A Psychologist Who Will Help You Overcome Your Mental Health Struggles

If there are co-occurring mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, therapy can be used to treat those problems with effective results. This treatment can unlock your potential to make clear and positive decisions that aren’t driven by mental health struggles. Therapy is also a great way to explore the root of any addictions that may be driving your decisions. Through various counseling techniques, therapy can help you find ways to stay sober and manage triggers in an effective manner.

A Guide Who Will Help You Define Your Values And Purpose

Are you struggling to find your values and your purpose? Often, poor decisions come from a root issue of lacking a sense of self-awareness. Fortunately, therapy can help you work through defining your own personal values and morals and guide you toward understanding your purpose.
When you partner with a psychologist Berkeley, you find a caring, compassionate therapist who will guide you throughout the process. Your therapy is tailored to fit your needs, and it allows for the exploration of your decisions in an open-ended way that’s individualized to each client.

5 Steps To Making Better Choices

There is hope for those struggling to learn how to make the right decisions in their daily life. You CAN make positive decisions that allow you to walk in freedom and hope. When you work with a licensed therapist, you can rediscover the innate power within you to transform your life.
Let’s highlight five steps to help you make a better decision – backed up by proven methodology:

1. Know Your Values
Values clarification is essential for making good choices. It helps you become aware of what’s essential in your life and guide you toward goals aligned with those values.
Do you know your personal values and morals? If not, the first place to start is by seeking the help of a trained psychologist who can guide you through building a strong foundation of values and morals.

2. Take A Step Back And Breath
The first step in making the right decision is to loosen the grip of your worries and anxieties so you can move forward.
When we find ourselves worried about anything – an upcoming exam, a relationship issue, or even our own mental health – it’s hard to make good decisions.
In order to clear out the fog that clouds your judgment, take some time for yourself by breathing or doing something that you find relaxing. Don’t let your emotions drive your decisions – but be patient and let time work for you.

3. Think About The Possible Outcomes Of Your Decision
Any negative decision’s outcome can be easily summed up in the phrase, “Well, hindsight is 20/20!”
What if you never had to say that? Naturally, it can be difficult to predict what will happen in life, and some choices have completely unexpected consequences.
However, one way to make a better decision is to stop and think about all the possible outcomes of your decision before making a final choice. When you forecast ahead about how this decision may impact you and those around you, you’ll be able to better understand if this path is right.

4. Consider Those Who May Be Impacted By Your Decision
We are fickle creatures. Not only is it hard to know how our decisions may impact ourselves, but it can be even more difficult to think about how they can affect those we love and care about.
When making a decision, you must consider what others will go through if this choice is made. When we’re thinking of those closest to us and their needs, we’ll often make more positive choices because our sense of friendship, love, and loyalty is a strong defense against selfishness.

5. Make The Decision That Best Fits Your Purpose And Desired Future
Remember that question that you may have answered in your therapy session: What’s your purpose in life?
Your purpose can be a great driver in making a positive decision. Once you have thought about those around you and what they may experience due to your choice, which decision will best help you achieve your goals and fulfill your desired future?

Asking these questions with a clear mind can help you slowly make any critical decisions and reduce the risk of a negative outcome. It all starts with a partner who can help you learn the methods and the steps to take to implement them quickly.

Unlock The Ability To Make Positive Decisions With A Berkeley Psychologist

Are you ready to find the keys to unlocking your ability to overcome negative emotions and make decisions that lead to a fruitful and thriving life?

If you are ready to take the steps necessary to make positive decisions, I invite you to contact me today and learn more about my Berkeley psychology services. As a psychologist , I have the skills and resources to help you learn methods and steps that are necessary for moving forward in life with positivity and success.

When you work with me, we will partner together to identify the things that are weighing on you every day – those obstacles and distractions that may be causing you to make poor decisions. We will then learn how to follow proven methods that help positive decision-making stick and practice them enough to become second nature.

You don’t have to carry the weight of negativity on your own. Find hope and relief from the weight of life’s difficult decisions with a therapist in Berkeley who will listen openly and give feedback or insight where needed.

Your time is valuable – don’t wait for something good to happen before getting professional guidance in Berkeley therapy sessions. Contact me today to learn more and to set up a consultation.