Breaking The Depression & Anxiety Cycle Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Therapist, Depression, Trauma

As a Berkeley psychologist, one of the most common struggles I encounter is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Whether due to traumatic abuse from childhood or a variety of traumas that one experiences in their adult years, those who suffer from PTSD can find themselves caught in an endless loop of anxiety, depression, and stress that can be difficult to overcome.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health illness that can arise when individuals experience a traumatic event or events that cause stress, anxiety, or pain that is above the stress level most people can endure. PTSD can manifest in a variety of symptoms that can make it difficult to enjoy life. In many cases, PTSD can lead to a cycle of repetitive anxious and depressive thoughts that become a detriment to living a healthy and productive life.

Understanding The Depression-Anxiety Cycle

Why do anxiety and depression often come hand-in-hand in PTSD patients? The key is found in how the two connect deeply in our brain. When someone experiences an event that is so traumatic that it leaves a long-lasting impression, they may find themselves triggered by similar experiences that can lead them to fall in lock-step with the anxiety-depression-anxiety cycle.

Severe anxiety can lead to depression as the individual may feel that they are unable to overcome their emotional trap and suffering. This paralysis can lead to negative thought patterns that can become so deeply ingrained that overcoming them and seeing hope may feel insurmountable.

Behaviors That Cement The Cycle

The difficulty of overcoming the anxiety-depression cycle is one of the main reasons that so many turn to negative behaviors to try and cope, often through dependencies such as alcohol and drug use or other addictive behaviors that are dangerous to themselves or others.

When individuals find themselves falling victim to addictive behaviors, they may begin to seek help for treatment. Unfortunately, if the root cause of their PTSD is not uncovered, they may find that they only treat the symptoms of the real problem. When they overcome their addiction or dependency, they sadly discover that they return to the anxiety-depression cycle the next time that they encounter a triggering event.

The key to overcoming the powerful cycle of PTSD-induced depression and anxiety is to work with a counseling professional who is equipped to help you find the root of the issue and build skills and techniques for helping treat the true issue.

Find Help From PTSD With A Berkeley Psychologist

PTSD-induced anxiety and depression is a serious mental health illness that must be attacked with healthy and productive therapy. As a leading Berkeley psychologist trained in PTSD-related mental health issues, I have experience working with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

With the help of counseling and therapy, individuals can learn techniques that can stop the PTSD cycle in its tracks – helping them find hope and healing from even the most traumatic experiences. With a variety of tools in their tool belt, PTSD clients can find the path to hope in the midst of the most difficult life circumstances.

Want to learn more about overcoming the anxiety-depression cycle that arises from PTSD? Learn how you or a loved one can begin to see the positive side of life in small ways that lead to huge changes. Take steps toward hope and healing today. Contact me today to learn more about my Berkeley Psychologist services.