Give Yourself The Gift Of Peace Of Mind In The New Year – Suggestions From A Berkeley Therapist

Trauma, Anxiety, Therapist

Having come through the year 2020, surviving the many unexpected twists and turns of life in a global pandemic can be a reason to rejoice. You may not have experienced wild success and accomplished your goals this year, but there is something to be said for holding it together and finishing the year intact physically, mentally, and emotionally.

However, the extreme moments of anxiety and fear that this year has brought have led many individuals to experience symptoms of mental illness – many for the very first time. Others have seen their struggles increase as social distancing and the 24-hour news doom-and-gloom has capitalized on nearly every thought.

As a Berkeley psychologist, I have dedicated my career to helping individuals find hope and healing in some of the most difficult moments of life. For those who have seen their past trauma and abuse manifest into symptoms that make life difficult to endure, speaking with a trusted and experienced mental health professional may be the key to reclaiming your peace of mind.

As the calendar turns to a new year, one of the best ways to start on the right track is to begin meeting with a skilled and experienced therapist. No matter your struggles or needs, a therapist can be a huge benefit in helping you tackle the new year with hope.

3 Reasons To Work With A Psychologist In The New Year

Wondering if a psychologist may be a lifeline for you in the new year? Here are three reasons why clients who have chosen to partner with me have begun to find freedom from the chains that bind them in their mental and emotional world – and why working with a therapist in the new year may be the best gift you can give yourself:

1. A therapist can help you work through past struggles to understand your current situation. If you have wondered why you find it difficult to navigate your daily life and struggle to express yourself as you wish you could, there may be issues in your past that are preventing you from moving forward.

2. Past trauma and abuse may be keeping you from finding hope. For many individuals who come through my office, the abuse and trauma that they have endured as children have caused suffering in their adult lives. Working with a psychologist can help you uncover these past issues – even if you have blocked them out – and begin taking steps toward finally healing.

3. Starting the year with a clean slate can give you a purpose to pursue. If you have found yourself struggling to find a purpose or goal to seek in the new year, what better opportunity is there than to work on bettering your own personal life? Even if you are unsure of what you are seeking in therapy, partnering with a trained therapist can be a great way to begin taking steps in the positive direction to being your year.

As a Berkeley psychologist skilled in working with individuals suffering from childhood mistreatment and attachment issues, I am ready to help you start the new year with hope and healing. With a variety of methods and tactics for healing from trauma, abuse, and other mental health struggles, we can work together to find hope in the new year.

Contact me today to learn more about how you can give yourself or someone you love the gift of hope in the new year!