When You Should Seek Help for Anxiety


Battling anxious thoughts in your daily life can be immensely common, and you may even wonder whether you need help for anxiety. However, fear and worry are a crucial part of what makes us human, and facing nerves during significant moments is a core part of our nature. So, feeling a bit of agitation during a big speech or an interview is perfectly normal and healthy as it is simply a sign of your body preparing for something big.

Unfortunately, some people struggle with this emotion far more than others and even feel anxious in moments when most people wouldn’t. This sensation could mean that you may be consumed by a wave of nerves when faced with simple assignments, such as making a call or speaking to a colleague.

In such cases, seeking help for anxiety is critical. While occasionally feeling anxious is normal, you must not allow it to impede your daily life. If you or a loved one is currently struggling with anxiety and would like help, please speak to Dr. Lynn Winsten as soon as possible. She has several years of experience in treating anxiety disorders and would be delighted to offer her assistance.

5 Signs That You May Need to Seek Help for Anxiety

Sleeping Has Become an Issue

It is common for people struggling with anxiety issues to face sleeping disorders as well. You may find yourself tussling around in bed while being weighed down by your worries and fears. Naturally, these late hours can be tremendously difficult for those dealing with this disorder, as it can often feel that your mind will not stop focusing on negative thoughts and issues, regardless of what you do.

Unfortunately, losing hours of sleep also has a domino effect that easily leads to tiredness and a rise in anxiety during the day. This level of sleep deprivation may mean that you become less productive and more worried about completing your daily tasks. Finding yourself in such a situation can be extremely troubling, but you must remember that it does not have to be this way, as you can treat your anxiety and its symptoms through counseling.

If you are currently dealing with sleep deprivation and would like to understand how therapy can help you rise above this problem, drop a call to Dr. Lynn Winsten or visit her practice in Berkeley, CA. She has vast experience in treating anxiety and helping people wrestle back control of their lives from negative thoughts and constant worrying. To learn more about her methods, don’t hesitate to leave her a message or book a telehealth session.

You are Stuck in a Constant State of Worry

Whether you find yourself endlessly ruminating over past decisions or worrying about the future, overthinking is a core symptom of this disorder. Consistently questioning yourself and worrying about various issues can quickly lead to you getting pinned down in a web of unanswerable and overwhelming questions.

Meanwhile, feeling as though you are constantly lost under a stream of negative thoughts can also be troubling, as this level of fear may interrupt your daily tasks and keep you from achieving your goals. Additionally, stressful thoughts can quickly turn into negative ones, leading to other wellbeing issues, such as depression.

Yet, despite finding yourself caught in this endless spiral of worry, it is always possible to turn things around. One of the best ways to treat overthinking and other anxiety disorders is through behavioral therapy, which Dr. Lynn Winsten has several years of experience in performing. Through this process, she has helped various patients overcome their anxious thoughts and find peace. To understand how Dr. Lynn Winsten uses therapy to treat overthinking, please book a telehealth session.

You Procrastinate Often

The feeling of dread when you look through your schedule and find something that you have put off cannot be understated. While for most people, this task may be setting up a demanding work interview or preparing for a big move, for those dealing with anxiety, their fear is often over something trivial, such as setting up a call.

Finding yourself procrastinating simple tasks is one of the most common symptoms of an anxiety disorder and a great sign that you may need help for anxiety. While it may feel easy to adopt an out-of-sight-out-of-mind mentality for your schedule, you should always understand that the comfort that putting off a big assignment brings is only temporary.

Over time, the tasks you need to finish will quickly stack up, leading to an increase in anxiety and a formidable backlog. Putting off assignments can also lead to a breakdown in relationships and work-life, as people may begin to view you as unreliable. However, stopping procrastination is also not easy, as constantly putting things off mostly has to do with a fear of disapproval or failure.

Yet, you must also remember that anxiety and its symptoms are treatable, including procrastination. By visiting Dr. Lynn Winsten in Berkeley, CA, she can help you understand how feelings of procrastination stem from negative thought patterns and offer guidance on the best ways to transform these negative thought patterns into positive ones. If you would love to learn more about how to beat the habit of procrastination, please leave her a call.

You Regularly Struggle with Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are strong, sudden, and shocking waves of fear and worry. In most cases, these attacks lead to other symptoms, such as excessive sweating, intense chest pain, and a raised heartbeat. If you have never dealt with a panic attack before, it can be tremendously scary, with most people describing it as feeling like a heart attack.

Fortunately, while panic attacks can feel horrifying, they are not fatal. However, they can happen unexpectedly, and there is no direct way to stop an attack once it has started. Naturally, these symptoms make treating panic attacks crucial to your safety.

So, if you consistently face recurring attacks, you should seek help for anxiety as soon as you can. Remember, therapy is one of the best ways to transform how we engage with our fears and anxious thoughts, making it a fantastic tool against panic attacks. To grasp how Dr. Lynn Winsten helps patients deal with their panic disorders, please book a Telehealth session or pay her a visit in Berkeley, CA.

You Struggle in Social Settings

One of the most common signs of an anxiety disorder is when you find yourself consistently worried about being in a social space. While this setting may range from meeting new people to going out on a date, it often means that you are concerned about being around others.

In most cases, this symptom of anxiety may mean that you have a fear of people judging how you speak, what you wear, how you dress, and so on. Additionally, while you may understand that there is no basis for these fears, you may still find them constantly written on your mind.

Having a fear of being in social settings can be limiting, as it may mean missing out on the experience of building strong bonds, making new friends, and attending social events. This form of social anxiety disorder may also cause exclusion by friends, isolation, and loneliness, which can be immensely hurtful to your emotions.

One of the core beliefs of Dr. Lynn Winsten is that nobody should feel excluded and lonely because they struggle to form social connections. You do not have to feel isolated from the people you love because you find it difficult to handle negative thought patterns. If you have found yourself struggling to build meaningful social connections because of your anxiety, please leave a call for Dr. Winsten. She has helped several people step out of their anxiety and would be delighted to extend her services to you.

Using Therapy to Get Help for Anxiety

For several years, therapy has been a crucial weapon in the battle against worries and fears. Today, there are several methods to deal with your anxiety, including exposure and dialectical therapy. By using these methods through the years, Dr. Lynn Winsten has helped her patients grab the tools they need to get back into the driving seat of their lives.

One of her most effective methods centers itself around using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which involves transforming how you engage with your thoughts. By working together, you can understand the various patterns of your mind, how you are currently reacting to these patterns, and the positive ways you can respond to them in the future.

The core goal of Dr. Lynn Winsten has always been to give people a chance to build meaningful social connections, achieve their visions, and create healthy relationships, and therapy is the best way to achieve these. So, if you believe that you or a loved one has been battling with anxiety and requires help, please do not hesitate to book a session or visit her practice in Berkeley, CA.

Additional Reading

Understanding Anxiety Therapy

Is It A Panic Attack or Anxiety? From A Berkeley Psychologist

The Effects of COVID-19 On Grieving & Mental Health

What is Depression and Anxiety?