Child Abuse Therapy, Therapist

Because it often happens behind closed doors and not in the open, childhood neglect and/or abuse are very hard to deal with while one or both are happening. Childhood neglect and abuse are traumas that take time and care to overcome or overcome completely. Nevertheless, if you are going through the lingering effects of childhood neglect and/or abuse, therapy could be a good option for you.

Symptoms to Watch For

If you are unsure whether you are dealing with the effects of childhood neglect and/or abuse, there are some symptoms that might alert you. Knowing these symptoms could help you determine whether childhood neglect and/or abuse have become a problem in your life and whether one or both are affecting you in the long term.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of childhood neglect and abuse:

  • Excessively strong emotions or emotions that seem out of context
  • Emotions or images that come on strong and out of the blue
  • Feelings of numbness or no emotional feelings
  • Feeling unfulfilled
  • Becoming easily discouraged, overwhelmed, or stressed
  • Feeling too alone
  • Continual low self esteem
  • Being a perfectionist
  • Increased sensitivity to rejection and failure
  • Inability to determine what is expected of you from others and yourself

It’s important to keep in mind that having one or many of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you are having mental wellness issues stemming from childhood abuse and/or neglect, but they could serve as supplementary pieces of evidence that you need to seek out treatment, especially if you are having particular feelings about your relationship with your parents or guardians. If you are having these symptoms, it could be a good indication that therapy to address
neglect and/or abuse might be worthwhile pursuing .

Tips for Childhood Neglect/Abuse Recovery

Aside from therapy, there are a few things you can do and steps you can take to help on your path to recovery. Here are just some of the steps you can take to start the recovery process from
childhood neglect or abuse.

Be more in tune with your emotions

Part of being able to recover from childhood neglect and/or abuse is being able to determine what your emotions are and what caused them. When you can identify how you feel and when, it might make it easier for therapy to get to the bottom of the core reasons behind your symptoms.

Assess what you believe about what you deserve

Many of the feelings that stem from childhood neglect and abuse result in feelings of low self-esteem and that you are not deserving of happiness. If this is the case, the first step is to come to grips with what you believe you deserve and why.

Be easier on yourself

It’s important to remember that you have been through something traumatic and difficult. For that,
You should give yourself some credit and acknowledge yourself when you take positive steps and forgive yourself when you fall down.

Consider Mindfulness

Mindfulness mediation can help you relax and calm, but it also allows you to observe your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. When we are able to do that, therapy is much easier to bear and helps prepare you for therapy as well.

Therapy for Childhood Neglect and Abuse

If you believe you are suffering the effects of childhood abuse and/or neglect and are ready to start breaking yourself free from the symptoms that you are experiencing, then finding a trusted and reputable therapist is the first step you should take. I provide specialized treatment for childhood abuse and neglect for my clients to help them overcome these challenges and live a more fulfilled life.