How to Make the Most of a Virtual Therapy Session


As much as there are still countless aspects of the coronavirus we are yet to unearth, one of the things we can be confident about is that the pandemic introduced a shift in the various ways we interact. In a handful of years, behaviors such as working from home and speaking with our colleagues through computer screens have transformed from fringe activities to norms.

However, we did not limit this digital switch to just offices. Other areas of our lives, such as family meetings, watching movies with friends, and even our therapy, also embraced this virtual space.

Although telemedicine was already gaining approval before COVID-19 struck, the sharp rise in people seeking online counseling during this trying period altered the field forever.

This form of therapy stood as a monumental tool for those struggling with depression, anxiety, and isolation, leading to it becoming a core offering in various practices.

However, although online therapy has shot up in popularity, it can still feel challenging to get into, especially if you generally have face-to-face sessions. So, to help you transition into the digital space, we have prepared four fantastic tips to help you make the most of your virtual therapy sessions.

Top Tips to Help You Settle into Virtual Therapy

Treat it in the Same Way as You Would a Face-to-Face Therapy Session

While our computers and phones are the most crucial tools for accessing online therapy, they are also our biggest distractions. During your session, it can feel tremendously easy to sneak a peek at Twitter or have a quick browse through your Facebook feed while your therapist is speaking to you.

However, one of the best ways to benefit from virtual therapy is to treat it in the same way as physical counseling.

During your sessions, you should try as much as possible to place your core focus on your therapist. Immerse yourself in every word and engage in the sessions as though your counselor was three feet away from you and not hundreds of miles.

This deep engagement with your therapist will allow you to overcome the issues you are facing and begin to take the steps toward crafting a better life for yourself.

If you believe you may struggle to pay attention during your sessions, try placing your phone and computer on “Do Not Disturb” and putting away all your work and social tabs.

By taking the necessary steps to shut yourself from the outside world, you are less likely to be tripped by various distractions and notifications that may pop across your screen during virtual therapy.

Pick a Safe Space

The space you choose to have your virtual therapy meetings can often determine the level of progress you make. Naturally, if you choose to have your sessions in the room next to your partner or roommate, it can be easy to feel that they would be listening in on conversations you have with your therapist. This fear of being overheard can be a tremendous obstacle to your willingness to share certain pieces of information with your counselor.

This limitation is one of the core reasons Dr. Lynn Winsten generally recommends that her virtual therapy clients pick a private room for their sessions. In addition to this seclusion providing the freedom to speak freely about your life and the people around you, it also allows your therapist to provide advice in a non-shameful manner.

Alternatively, if you have limited space and are uncomfortable telling your roommates about your counseling, you can try kickstarting your sessions outdoors.

Virtual therapy is one of the best ways to get immediate help no matter where you are on the planet. If you have been struggling with issues such as anxiety and depression and believe you may benefit from receiving therapy, do not hesitate to book a telehealth session with Dr. Lynn Winsten today.

During your meetings, she can help provide all the tools you need to get back on your feet and begin smashing your goals. To learn more about how you can benefit from virtual therapy, please send a message to her Berkeley practice.

Prepare for Technical Issues

Although our phones and computers do their best to reduce the friction of our virtual meetings, technical issues are always capable of piercing a needle through this bubble. As an illustration, the embarrassment of delivering a long speech only to discover our microphone was on mute all along is a feeling that most of us can share.

To ensure your virtual therapy meetings remain worthwhile, Dr. Lynn Winsten always recommends that you carry out a tiny check before your session begins. This examination can range from quickly checking that your microphone and camera are on before joining the meeting to ensuring your charger is on standby in case your battery begins to run out.

At her Berkeley practice, Dr. Lynn Winsten also recommends using a pair of headphones during your sessions. This tool helps recreate the immersive experience of face-to-face therapy while ensuring that nobody can hear both sides of your conversation.

Take Time to Unwind

One of the most common misconceptions about virtual therapy is that it is much less intense than face-to-face meetings. However, this could not be further from the case. Counseling is a profound exercise that often leads to you unearthing the root cause of the issues that may have been hindering your life for several years.

Naturally, as you discover yourself through these sessions, it can be easy to feel drained and overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, disorientation as the meeting ends and the screen goes black is quite common. This feeling is one of the core reasons Dr. Lynn Winsten generally suggests taking time to unwind after the meeting ends.

This moment of relaxation allows us to peacefully transition out of the session in a manner that is not jarring or dissonant.

In some cases, some clients prefer to unwind by taking a short and peaceful walk outside. This moment in nature allows them to slowly open their world to a non-digital experience. On the other hand, you may also choose to write a quick log in your diary that helps you process the session.

By noting down your feelings, you can prevent any powerful moments you experienced during the session from remaining bottled up inside.

Virtual Therapy Helps Bring the Safe Space Right to Your Doorstep

One of the core benefits of virtual therapy in recent years is that it has been able to tear down the vast distances that have historically stopped people from seeking efficient care. With telehealth counseling, the help is right at your doorstep, allowing you to receive therapeutic guidance regardless of where you call home.

This level of accessibility is also a fantastic option for those who have avoided therapy because of tight schedules or other family duties.

Through virtual counseling, you can kickstart the fight against issues such as anxiety and depression, allowing you to set yourself back on track and achieve all your goals. If you have been struggling with any of these issues and believe you may benefit from counseling, please do not hesitate to book a telehealth session with Dr. Lynn Winsten.

She has vast experience in delivering virtual therapy sessions and would be delighted to offer her assistance.

Alternatively, if you wish to gain more knowledge about online therapy and how it squares up to face-to-face sessions, you are welcome to leave a message. Dr. Lynn Winsten will get back to you as soon as possible.