Help for Depression

Depression, Therapy

Depression is so common that it likely affects at least one person you know.  Some people are fortunate enough to be diagnosed with depression, but many others suffer without a diagnosis, wondering why they feel the way they do. 

Depressive episodes can be short-term and feel easily overcome at their best, or like life isn’t worth living anymore at their worst. The feeling may only come on as sadness or listlessness, but it may also manifest in ways that may not seem related to your mood, like changes in appetite or problems concentrating.

What depression is not, is something you just “get over.”  Depression needs the attention of professionals like any other serious medical condition.

You might feel like you’re making a big deal out of it, or that it’s really only a phase that will pass.  Your friends and family may be treating you as though you don’t really have a problem, or something that needs treating. 

But the worst thing you can do to depression is leave it alone. The integrity of your brain–and your life–is worth seeking help! 

If it seems as though you cannot shake the feelings of anxiousness, guilt, loss of interest, general apathy, or even thoughts of suicide, it’s time to reach out.  There are professionals trained to help you enter into recovery.

Depression can manifest in different forms and from different triggers, further confirming that professional help is most appropriate. 

Some people experience few symptoms while others experience many, making every individual’s time with depression completely different. The right therapist can help you work through your story to determine your cause and course of treatment.

person sitting on beach thinkingThere are many different kinds of treatment, from regular sunshine and exercise, to more alternative methods like acupuncture and meditation.

Despite this, there is no one right way to treat depression.  The best course of action is to seek the advice of a trusted professional, like Dr. Lynn Winsten in San Luis Obispo, who can analyze the whole of your condition and make suggestions toward speedy recovery.

The best therapist for someone suffering from depression is one who understands what it “feels” like to be told that sadness is normal and not that serious, what it “feels” like to be treated as though you’re crazy for not being able to “handle” your emotions and moods, what it “feels” like to feel out of control all the time, and like none of it matters. 

We need someone who can truly empathize with the depressed mind, to help understand the severity of the disease and inform the best method for treatment.

If you are in the San Luis Obispo area, Dr. Lynn Winsten is a perfect help.

She can assist you in identifying your triggers and whether or not the medication is the right option for you.  She has spent her career helping people to find rest from the horrors of depression so that they may live longer, more fulfilled lives.

It’s always hard to have the strength to ask for help, but ignoring the symptoms will only make the depression worse. 

Many people suffer in this way, more than one may expect, but there is real help available, and depression is easily treatable.  You are not alone. Your story is worth being told, and your life is worth living.

You deserve to feel better and embrace the truth. You can develop the skills to overcome this misery.  With the help of Dr. Lynn Winsten in San Luis Obispo, you can truly change your life and overcome the demon of depression.

Check out – Depression psychotherapist San Luis Obispo and Anxiety counseling San Luis Obispo trauma counseling San Luis Obispo