What to Expect in Your First Anxiety Therapy Session in Berkeley


You’ve taken the first step. You’ve decided to see a therapist for anxiety in Berkeley, CA —an act that’s both brave and necessary.

But now you’re wondering, what happens in that first session? Let’s break it down so you know exactly what to expect when you sit down with Dr. Lynn Winsten in her cozy office in Berkeley, CA.

The Problem: Anxiety Isn’t Going Anywhere On Its Own

First things first, anxiety isn’t just a fleeting worry.

It’s that restless mind, the tight chest, the thousand “what-ifs” spinning like a carousel in your brain.

Maybe you’ve tried to manage it alone, but let’s be honest—white-knuckling through life isn’t working.

That’s where therapy comes in.

You might be thinking, “Great, but I don’t even know how to start.” Don’t sweat it.

The first session with Dr. Winsten is designed to be a smooth introduction into understanding your anxiety and finding practical ways to tackle it.

Agitation: The Unknown Feels Scarier Than the Anxiety

Walking into a therapy office can feel like walking into the unknown.

Will it be like a detective interrogation? Will you leave feeling worse? These thoughts are normal, but they’re not the reality.

Dr. Lynn Winsten’s goal is simple: make you feel heard, supported, and understood.

Right from the get-go, she’ll ensure her office in Berkeley feels like a safe, judgement-free space where you can exhale and let your guard down.

The Solution: Understanding the First Session

anxiety therapy in Berkeley CA with Dr. Lynn Winsten

The Icebreaker: What Brings You Here?

Dr. Winsten isn’t going to dive into your deepest, darkest secrets five minutes in.

She’ll start by asking some simple questions like, “What brings you here today?” or “How long have you been feeling this way?” It’s a conversation, not a quiz, designed to explore the basics of what’s troubling you.

If you’ve ever been to a doctor for a check-up, you know the drill: symptoms, history, concerns.

But here, it’s much more relaxed.

The goal is for Dr. Winsten to get a sense of what’s going on and where to focus the work.

Talking About Anxiety Symptoms: Getting to the Root

Let’s get real: anxiety shows up in sneaky ways.

Maybe it’s a constant pit in your stomach. Maybe your heart races like it’s late for a meeting.

In this part of the session, Dr. Winsten will encourage you to describe how anxiety feels for you—because it’s different for everyone.

She’ll ask questions like:

– What situations make your anxiety spike?
– How does your body react to stress?
– What thoughts typically run through your mind?

There’s no need to sugarcoat anything here.

Dr. Winsten has heard it all, and she’s not about to judge.

Her goal is to figure out the triggers so that together, you can kick anxiety out of the driver’s seat.

Choosing the Right Therapy Approach

Dr. Winsten isn’t about a one-size-fits-all method.

Depending on what you share, she’ll explain different ways to address anxiety, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or mindfulness practices.

No, she’s not going to throw jargon at you and hope it sticks.

She’ll break things down so that you understand what’s what and, most importantly, what feels right for you.

Therapy isn’t just about “fixing” anxiety; it’s about finding a rhythm that makes life more manageable, step by step.

Building Trust and Setting Goals

Dr. Lynn Winsten taking notes during an anxiety therapy session in her Berkeley office.

Here’s the truth: the first session is all about laying the groundwork.

You won’t walk out after an hour with anxiety magically cured—sorry! But you will walk out with a plan.

Dr. Winsten will work with you to set achievable goals and establish what progress could look like.

Whether that’s sleeping better, lowering your stress at work, or simply feeling more like yourself, those goals will be your guideposts.

And, crucially, you’ll be building a trusting relationship with Dr. Winsten, so you can be open about what’s working—and what isn’t—as you move forward.

What Progress Looks Like: The Journey Ahead

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room—how long does this therapy thing take? The short answer: it varies.

Dr. Winsten will be upfront about setting realistic expectations.

Progress isn’t a straight line, but it’s measurable.

Over time, as you begin to understand your anxiety and recognize patterns, you’ll see the shift.

Some weeks might feel like breakthroughs, others might feel like baby steps.

The key is patience and knowing that even small victories matter.

Dr. Winsten will help track those wins and adjust strategies as needed, so your therapy remains tailored to you.

Got Questions? Ask Away!

The first session isn’t just for Dr. Winsten to learn about you—it’s your time to get answers too.

Don’t be shy. Ask things like:

– How many sessions do people typically need?
– Can I get homework or tips to manage anxiety between sessions?
– What should I do if I feel anxious right before our next meeting?

The more engaged you are, the better the therapy experience will be.

It’s like a good conversation: the more you put in, the more you get out of it.

Wrapping It Up and Looking Forward

By the end of your first session with Dr. Lynn Winsten in Berkeley, you’ll have a clearer picture of your anxiety and a roadmap for dealing with it.

Dr. Winsten will likely summarize the key takeaways from the session, offer some tips to get you started, and schedule your next appointment.

It’s all about keeping the momentum going.

And hey, give yourself a pat on the back.

Starting therapy is a huge, positive step—one that’s setting you up for a healthier, calmer future.

Ready to Tackle Your Anxiety?

If you’re ready to stop anxiety from running the show, Dr. Lynn Winsten in Berkeley is ready to help.

Take that next step—schedule your first session and start your journey toward feeling better.