10 Ways To Cope With Depression


Being depressed can make you believe you’re not in control of your life and that there’s no way out. This is far from the truth because there are ways to cope with the persistent and intense sadness. Here are ten ways to help pick up your mood and ease the symptoms of depression.

One: Eat Better And Exercise More

Lifestyle changes such as eating better and exercising more can make one feel better about themselves. For instance, your body releases feel-good hormones or endorphins when you exercise. There are also many links between a healthier diet and a better mood.

Some people have even found that taking supplements like fish oil can help combat the effects of depression, though you should always consult your doctor before starting any supplement. In contrast, drugs and alcohol are central nervous system depressants, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

Two: Get Enough Quality Sleep

It’s normal for depression to disrupt your sleep patterns so that you either sleep too much or too little. This can worsen symptoms of depression. To strike the right balance, try and get at least six or eight hours of sleep each night. For quality sleep, avoid distractions, such as smartphones or TVs, when it’s bedtime. Establish a sleeping schedule and avoid naps as they can disrupt your normal sleeping pattern.

Three: Start Journaling

Journaling is a therapeutic practice that can help relieve stress and manage depression through self-expression. By writing in a journal regularly, you get to work through your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This can help release all the pent-up emotions that may contribute to your depression.

However, this only works if you’re transparent with yourself and willing to get in touch with your buried emotions. Being honest with yourself when journaling can do wonders for your mood if you make it a habit.

Four: Take On Responsibilities And Stay Involved

When you’re experiencing depression, you may feel like nothing is interesting anymore, and it’s easy to start avoiding hobbies and activities you once enjoyed. However, taking on more responsibilities and maintaining an active social life are crucial.

That’s because the more you isolate yourself, the more you sink into depression. On the other hand, a busy schedule gives you something to do, so you’re not always focused on your thoughts.

Five: Discover New And Fun Things To Do

Taking on more daily responsibilities is all very well and good, but you also need to let your hair down. That means trying to have as much fun as possible even when nothing seems appealing anymore. One great tip that can help you get out of that rut is to push yourself to discover something new, such as learning a new language or hobby. Have you tried meditation? Meditation is a fun way to relax and boost your mood.

Six: Give Yourself Pep Talks To Beat Negative Thoughts

Finding ways to boost your self-esteem and feel better about yourself is part and parcel of fighting depression. Too often, it’s difficult to stop those negative thoughts from popping up, but when they do come, it’s essential to remember that you’re not helpless. Utilize the power of positive thinking by replacing each negative thinking with one good thought about yourself.

If a negative thought says no one cares about you, replace it with a positive thought and ask yourself, why wouldn’t they when you have all these beautiful attributes? Similarly, if you’re feeling low, make an effort to focus on all the good things happening in your life right now.

Seven: Find A Support System Among Friends And Family

It’s always worth reiterating that you don’t have to fight depression alone. Open up to your family and friends and allow them offer the support you need. There are days when you’ll feel particularly down, and your depressed thoughts are all you can focus on. Talking to someone can make you feel better. Your loved ones can also help distract you, so you don’t dwell on negative thoughts 100% of the time.

Eight: Set Goals

When you’re depressed, having a light at the end of the tunnel can help keep going. As long as you’re working towards something, you’re challenging yourself and proving you’re capable of achieving something. With each goal you accomplish, you’ll feel better about yourself. Remember to start small when setting goals for yourself — every milestone counts.

Nine: Develop A Routine And Stick to It

As you can see, there are many ways to cope with depression and many habits and practices you can adopt. Once you find something that works for you, incorporate it into your routine and make every effort to stick to that routine for long-term benefits. For instance, develop a schedule that involves regular exercise, healthier meals, social activities to stay on track with your treatment.

Ten: Talk To A Professional Therapist

More often than not, talking to a therapist is an essential component of your treatment for depression. A qualified clinical therapist is better equipped to help you manage the symptoms of depression so your quality of life can improve.

If you have been feeling depressed for a long time and the situation remains constant, working with a professional therapist can help uncover some of the issues contributing to your depression. Your therapist can help you change your negative thinking, gain more self-esteem, address deep-rooted issues, and more.

Contact Dr. Lynn Winsten of Berkeley California For Professional Help Coping With Depression

Many of the ways to cope with depression outlined above involve lifestyle changes you can adopt on your own to feel better. But, it’s important to realize that you’re not alone, and you don’t have to deal with depression on your own. While many people suffering from depression are hesitant to ask for help, talking to a professional is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

If you’re dealing with depression, Dr. Lynn Winsten can help with your treatment to prevent harm to your physical and mental health.   nm and practice under her belt, and she specializes in providing counseling services to people dealing with depression.

If you’re in Berkeley, California, and surrounding areas, get in touch with Dr. Lynn Winsten to book a session and discover how she can guide you from a place of suffering to a place of greater control and peace.

Additional Reading

Depression and Therapy

The Stigma of Loneliness: How A Berkeley Therapist Can Help

The Hidden Danger Of Smiling Depression – And How To Find Help From A Berkeley Psychologist

Breaking Down The 7 Most Common Types Of Depression – From A Berkeley Psychologist

Can a Therapist Help With Depression?