Let me guide and support you during your time of need

Dr Lynn Winsten Clinical Psychologist
Berkeley & Surrounding Areas

Lynn Winsten, Ph.D.

Berkeley Therapist & Psychologist

Create The Life You Want
To Live

As a Berkeley Psychologist, Dr. Lynn Winsten can tell you it takes courage to face what may be wrong … may it be unwanted feelings such as anxiety, depression, or loneliness; prior trauma; early childhood neglect or abuse; unfulfilling work; or issues with relationships.

After many years of intensive training and many more years practicing psychotherapy, I have seen that people can address their suffering and come to a place of greater peace within as well as improve their relationships, work concerns, and lives overall.

My approach is to use a deep understanding of one’s life to resolve these problems. My intent is to elucidate our relationship as well as one’s current relationships, feelings, and experiences, to come to terms with what is truly wrong and resolve these difficulties.

I will help you to identify true impasse and move forward to find how your own true and authentic self knows what is truly best for your own life, and how to achieve your goals and intentions.

My Services

Below You Will Find Information About Some
Of The Problems Dr. Lynn Winsten Treats as a Berkeley Psychologist

Childhood Neglect & Abuse

Do you suspect or know that you had a difficult early childhood? Perhaps parents or caretakers were unavailable to you .. neglecting your needs, wants, and feelings? Or perhaps they were prone to acting out on you in ways such as: raging, hitting, or violating you sexually.


Do you find yourself unable to calm or just find yourself scared of things? Maybe you are jittery, going blank, or can’t think things through effectively? Or maybe you just seem to obsess and worry.


Have you experienced events in your life that were so stressful they would cause anyone to shut down their feelings and only have horrid thoughts that plague you (flashbacks) or have powerful feelings that disrupt your life but you have no memories to recall to account for them.


Having trouble getting motivated or interested in things? Prone to only seeing the negative .. the glass feeling half-empty? Do you find yourself tearing up or sad a good deal of the time? Are you so low that you have contemplated taking your own life? Can you not seem to get over the loss of a loved one?

Life Transitions

Life transitions occur throughout the lifespan: going to school, getting married or divorced, having one’s own family, starting a new career. These events may not be turning out or feeling the way you had hoped.

Relationship Problems

Do you find yourself struggling to make good, solid, satisfying relationships? Perhaps you are unhappy with your partner, or you do not seem to get along well with others at work, or you can’t seem to find gratifying friendships.

Career Concerns

Have you been confused about the direction you would like your life’s work to take? Are you working in a career where you are not feeling gratified?


Are you finding that you feel too alone in this life? Are you longing for a partner or friends? Or do you find your life is really filled with connection but a profound sense of aloneness haunts you?

Reaching out for professional support often requires the most courage

On a More Personal Note

The problems I treat as a therapist in Berkeley, are not unfamiliar to me.  When I was less than enthusiastic about the job I had in my 20’s with Sesame Street, my therapist at the time encouraged me to follow my passion … I was devouring psychology books at that time.  Prior to that, I had helped gals in my dorm at college encouraging them to seek out therapists I knew if it was beyond my ability to help.  And before that, I was needing to understand what was going on in my parent’s house in order to survive.  Thus, I seemed to have become what I was truly destined to be, a Berkeley Psychologist. Over many years, I also have found great relief in enjoying myself in nature and with the use of Mindfulness (meditation) which I highly recommend to the individuals with whom I work.  Psychotherapy, walking in nature, and practicing Mindfulness are sure ways to bring relief when struggling with difficult feelings and experiences.

Dr. Lynn Winsten Is Here For You

Serving Berkeley California & Surrounding Areas

Making an active choice to pursue therapy can be challenging. Feelings of anxiety, and depression often multiply when deciding whether or not to seek treatment. As a therapist in Berkeley California, I help people address the above problems to facilitate their mental well-being.

Every client arrives with their own needs. Since I began working in New York City as a psychologist, I have learned to deal with all levels and types of psychological problems. I specialize in providing counseling services to individuals dealing with trauma as well as other problems such as: childhood neglect and/ or abuse; depression; anxiety; PTSD; loneliness; career concerns; and, life transitions.

Individuals need to feel comfortable with the therapist they are working with.  Creating a space where one feels compassion, empathy, safety, and stability allows for feelings and vulnerability to be addressed.

Evidence of these problems may arise in varying degrees throughout one’s life. But if these feelings are constantly present you should talk with someone.

Dr. Lynn Winsten has over 30 years of experience as a clinical psychologist and currently work closely with clients in Berkeley, California, and the surrounding areas. Together we can help you identify what’s standing in your way and get you closer to your goals.

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From The Blog

Four Long-Term Issues Related To Childhood Trauma

Trauma and abuse during the formative years of childhood are often more prevalent than thought – often because of unconscious repression or intentional suppression of memories. Yet the damage is there historically. Based on studies performed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, of those surveyed, almost 80% of children reported having experienced a traumatic or abusive interaction before they turned five years old.