About Me

Professional Biography
Psychologist Serving The Greater Berkeley Area
My training in Clinical Psychology has extended throughout my 30 year professional career. My first experiences as a clinician were in the hospitals and clinics of New York City where I trained to work with people with all levels and types of psychological problems; I specialized in the treatment of pain and other physical disorders with a psychological component.
When I came to California 30 years ago I quickly found that people with histories of abuse, trauma, neglect, domestic violence and substance abuse were drawn to working with me. I then spent many years studying with consultants who were expert in such conditions.
During the past 15 years I formally trained to be a supervisor and consultant at The Psychotherapy Institute’s Supervision Study Program. I am available for Supervision or Consultation of other clinicians and welcomes all inquiries.

Training Institutions
Maimonides Community Mental Health Center
Brooklyn, NY
Inpatient and outpatient services
RUSK at New York University Medical Center
New York, NY
APA approved clinical internship – work with Dr. John Sarno in Pain Management
California School of Professional Psychology’s Low Fee Clinic, Berkeley CA
General Population and Chief Psychology intern in Domestic Violence
Cal State Hayward Community Clinic
Hayward, CA
Post Doc in Supervision; ran clinic; taught Case Conference and Adult Psychopathology
Masterson Institute for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Graduate, New York and California
Training in treatment of disorders brought on by violence, trauma, neglect, substance
abuse in the home, and attachment problems
The Psychotherapy Institute Supervision Study Program
Graduate, Berkeley, CA
Additional Affilliations
The Wright Institute
Faculty, Berkeley, CA
Alameda County Psych Association
Referral list and member
The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP)
Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy